Postadresse: Lyngvær

                      N 8313 Kleppstad


GPS-koordinater:    68 °13' 24,4" N

                                14 ° 13' 00,0" E

© 1991 - Lofoten Bobilcamping - Lofoten


Lyngvær Lofoten Dormobilecamping is located close to the sea and offers great views of the characteristic landscape of Lofoten.

Here, both young and old can recover and relax in the bright summer evenings.

Take an evening stroll in the area with dogs and friends, or pick berries and mushrooms in the mountains and meadows. With us you have the opportunity to get to know people who share the same holiday shape as yourself, you might find a friend or two?

We wish you a very warm welcome to a pleasant stay at our campsite

Drop in camping only